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Document/Image Storage and Retrieval

FACSTORE Optical Imaging Systems

Facstore, Inc.

FACSTORE Optical Imaging Systems gives companies with a reasonably-priced, entry level, optical image processing system. It lets thecustomers specify the method by which documents are saved and retrieved.Documents are scanned and saved to an optical disk from which they can beeasily retrieved, viewed, or printed.This standalone system comes with options that provide automated OCRconversion of document to machine readable ASCII files and subsequentprocessing to hypertext which permits rapid text retrieval and search ofentire documents. This system can be easily upgraded to become part of alarger network system without losing any of the original investment.Since the system is completely self-contained, it can be easilytransported to remote sites for document entry or display purposes.Expansion options include:forms.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: ORACLE or an SQL database
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Facstore, Inc.
1375 Plainfield Ave
Watchung, NJ 07060
Phone: (908) 757-2800
Fax: (908) 757-8411